FMF Trail Challenge 2019 – Register Now!!

To register for our fundraising events, chose a link below: FMF Trail Challenge Carlson Ranch – Marquette, NE – June 29, 2019 FMF Trail Challenge Comstock – Comstock, NE – July 4th, 2019 Interested in getting involved in other ways? Contact Nick at and we can discuss how you can help! Please help us spread the word

What in the World 2017

2017 was a crazy year for Faith Moving Forward.  Not knowing what to expect we entered into 2017 hoping we could get enough raised for an entire well, usually around $5,000.  God had much greater plans for us than what we even hoped for.  We wanted to add another run to the schedule to have

Donation to Water For Life Haiti

$2,000 dollars was given to Butch Lewin representing Water for Life as one of our first of many donations that will go to the drilling of clean water wells in Haiti. Thank you all for partnering with Faith Moving Forward in making a very real change in many peoples life’s on the island of Haiti!